A concrete example / Learning to drive
A concrete example / Learning to drive
How to get into your car? Going around, from the front or from the back?
The gaze technique in daily driving.
How to consume less and preserve the mechanics of my vehicle?
How can I simplify my driving with a few gestures (steering wheel thrust technique)?
Give your employees the opportunity to meet, in a friendly atmosphere, to exchange experiences, to share the difficulties they face on the road.
Without passing judgment on the errors, I propose a debate during which we will jointly analyze the points to improve and the bad habits to lose. We will also address the subject of the responsibility of any driver, and the level of vigilance to have when taking the road.
Since my method is completely "tailor-made", this first approach may, if you consider it necessary, be followed by a practical course on the road adapted to each candidate in particular, and to the constraints which are specific to him.
I travel personally and take care of each candidate, according to their experience and their needs, in an environment that is familiar to them.
The Go For Safe Driving team also organizes training on private sites, such as mastery courses on slippery ground (skid control training) with obstacle avoidance, brake tests, etc.
Click on the links below to find out more:
Do not hesitate to contact me at +32 (0)477 808 808 for any additional information.
You can also send me a message.